VIZIT.EU, s.r.o.
Pešova 1086/2
184 00 Prague 8-Dolni Chabry

Czech Republic
+420 606 060 328


Photo Gallery Of TM VIZIT Exposition


From April 12 to 15, 2022, the 27th International Exhibition of Security Equipment and Equipment for Security and Fire Protection Securika Moscow 2022 was held at the Crocus Expo IEC.

The VIZIT Group of Companies has traditionally become its participant, and the specialists of TM VIZIT have held consultations on issues of interest.

We thank all visitors for their interest in our exhibition.

Домофоны и видеодомофоны VIZIT. Системы контроля доступа. Металлические двери. ООО НПФ «МОДУС-Н» Украина, Киев «Торговая Домофонная Компания» ООО Чехия, Прага VIZIT.EU, s.r.o.
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