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Домофоны и видеодомофоны VIZITНПФ «МОДУС-Н»
ENTRANCE DOORS  Pedestrian Gates Access Control Systems

VIZIT Entrance Doors, Pedestrian Gates, Access Control Systems.


The company ROSINTEGRO Ldt. with its brand name PETRUNYA as the Sales Representative of VIZIT trademark for the Czech Republic has exhibited our products at 8th INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF THE LATEST TRENDS IN FIRE FIGHTING AND SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES, SYSTEMS AND SERVICES from 20th to 24th September 2016.



8th international fair of the latest trends in fire-fighting and security technologies, systems and services
We are proud to invite you to the presentation of products TM VIZIT.
Stand 2D3, Exhibition Hall 2, Praha, PVA EXPO Praha



Promo code for your free ticket: sec16eNSSS