VIZIT.EU, s.r.o.
Pešova 1086/2
184 00 Prague 8-Dolni Chabry

Czech Republic
+420 606 060 328


Privileges for VIZIT.EU sales representatives


VIZIT.EU presents its interest to find national distributor - sales representative for the production of VIZIT brand in the Czech and Slovak Republic and other countries. To achieve this a draft of contractual agreement was prepared under which users can buy products at the best wholesale price (approximately 50% of retail price list), depending on the minimum purchase volume. In the first contract year of trade cooperation between VIZIT.EU and customer the fulfilling of minimum purchase volume condition is not required.

Домофоны и видеодомофоны VIZIT. Системы контроля доступа. Металлические двери. ООО НПФ «МОДУС-Н» Украина, Киев «Торговая Домофонная Компания» ООО Чехия, Прага VIZIT.EU, s.r.o.
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